Queues Presentation

Introduction to Queues
A queue is a data structure that follows the first-in, first-out (FIFO) principle.

Queues are used to manage and process data in a sequential order.

Elements are added to the back of the queue and removed from the front.

Main Operations
Enqueue: Adding an element to the back of the queue.

Dequeue: Removing the element from the front of the queue.

Peek: Viewing the element at the front without removing it.

Real-life Examples
Waiting in line at a grocery store checkout.

Handling print jobs in a printer.

Processing messages in a messaging app.

Implementation of Queues
Queues can be implemented using arrays or linked lists.

Arrays provide constant-time access to elements.

Linked lists allow dynamic resizing and efficient insertion/ removal.

Types of Queues
Linear Queue: A simple queue with a fixed size.

Circular Queue: A queue that wraps around to the beginning when reaching the end.

Priority Queue: Assigns a priority value to each element and processes them accordingly.

Time Complexity
Enqueue operation: O(1) - Constant time complexity.

Dequeue operation: O(1) - Constant time complexity.

Peek operation: O(1) - Constant time complexity.

Use Cases
Task scheduling in operating systems.

Multi-threaded programming.

CPU scheduling algorithms.

Advantages of Queues
Ensures fairness by following the FIFO principle.

Efficient for managing data in a sequential order.

Can be easily implemented and understood.

Limitations of Queues
Fixed size queues have limited capacity.

Linear queues can cause memory wastage.

Priority queues can be complex to implement.

Queues are a fundamental data structure with various real-life applications.

They follow the FIFO principle and are efficient for managing data in a sequential order.

Queues can be implemented using arrays or linked lists, and different types of queues exist for specific use cases.

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