Chandrayaan Pragyan Presentation

Introduction to Chandrayaan Pragyan
Chandrayaan Pragyan is an Indian lunar rover mission.

It is the second robotic mission of the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO).

The mission's main objective is to explore the lunar surface and analyze its composition.

Launch and Mission Timeline
Chandrayaan Pragyan was launched on July 22, 2019, aboard the Chandrayaan-2 spacecraft.

The spacecraft entered the lunar orbit on August 20, 2019.

The rover was scheduled to be deployed on September 7, 2019.

Features and Capabilities
Chandrayaan Pragyan is a six-wheeled rover weighing around 27 kg.

It is equipped with scientific instruments to analyze the lunar surface.

The rover has the ability to move at a speed of 1 cm per second and cover a distance of up to 500 meters.

Scientific Objectives
The rover aims to study the lunar surface's topography, mineralogy, and elemental abundance.

It will search for water and ice in the polar regions of the moon.

Chandrayaan Pragyan will also investigate the presence of helium-3, a potential fuel source for future fusion reactors.

Instruments on-board Chandrayaan Pragyan
The rover is equipped with an Alpha Particle X-ray Spectrometer (APXS) to analyze the elemental composition of the lunar soil.

It also carries a Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscope (LIBS) for surface mineralogy studies.

Chandrayaan Pragyan has a Stereo Camera System (SCS) to capture 3D images and a Thermal Infrared Spectrometer (TIS) to study the moon's thermal properties.

Challenges and Solutions
The mission faced challenges during the soft landing of the lander on the lunar surface.

The communication between the lander and the rover was disrupted, affecting the mission's progress.

ISRO is continuously working to overcome the challenges and make the mission a success.

Discoveries and Contributions
Chandrayaan Pragyan's findings will contribute to our understanding of the moon's geological evolution.

The mission will provide valuable data for future lunar exploration and potential colonization.

It will also enhance India's capabilities in space exploration and technology development.

International Collaborations
Chandrayaan Pragyan has collaborations with NASA, ESA, and other international space agencies.

These collaborations involve data sharing, joint experiments, and technical support.

The mission promotes international cooperation in space exploration.

Public Outreach and Education
Chandrayaan Pragyan has sparked interest and excitement among the public and students in India.

ISRO has organized various educational programs and competitions to engage students.

The mission has inspired the next generation of scientists and engineers.

Chandrayaan Pragyan is a significant step in India's space exploration journey.

The mission showcases India's technological prowess and scientific achievements.

It paves the way for future lunar missions and strengthens international collaborations.

References (download PPTX file for details)
ISRO. (2021). Chandrayaan-2 Mission. Retrieve...

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